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Probation & Bail Violations Attorney in Providence, Rhode Island

According to a new report by The Council of State Governments Justice Center, about 45% of state prison admissions nationwide in 2017 were due to violations of probation or parole — either for new crimes or technical violations. A probation violation is a serious offense that often attracts further consequences, including additional prison sentencing or jail time. However, each case is usually unique and depends on the circumstances surrounding the violated terms of the probation or bail.

If you have been arrested and charged with a probation or bail violation in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, it is important that you retain a knowledgeable probation violation attorney immediately. The Savage Law provides experienced legal services and comprehensive representation to individuals facing bail or probation violation charges in Providence, Rhode Island; Boston, Massachusetts; and the surrounding areas. Attorney Layne C. Savage can offer you the detailed guidance, advocacy, and strong representation you deserve.

What is Considered a Violation of Probation?

Probation can be described as a non-prison sentencing option for defendants who are convicted of a crime. Probation reduces or eliminates the time that an offender must spend incarcerated. If at any time during the probation period a defendant refuses, ignores, avoids, or breaks the terms and conditions of the probation, the offense is referred to as probation violation. Probation may be violated in a number of different ways, including the following:

Failure to pay fines or restitution

Traveling outside the area without permission

Failure to report to the probation officer

Any arrest for an unrelated crime

Committing another offense or crime

Failure to appear for a court date

Using, transporting, selling, possessing, or distributing controlled substances or illicit drugs

Visiting certain people or places associated with criminal activities

Don’t Face Your Charges Alone

Possible Penalties

Bail is defined as the conditional release of a defendant in exchange for money or property, which is held by the court. This money or property is held with the promise that the defendant will appear in court when needed - this is the primary purpose of bail: to assure a person's appearance in court. However, if a defendant violates the terms and conditions of the bail, gets arrested again for an unrelated crime, or fails to appear in court, the bail may be revoked. If this happens, the offender will be taken immediately into custody.

Understanding Probation Violations

Probation is a non-jail sentence (after a nolo contendere plea or guilty finding) for a period of time during which the person must be of good behavior. Probation can be supervised or unsupervised. However, if a defendant violates the terms and conditions of their probation, gets arrested again for an unrelated crime, or fails to appear in court, they face a Probation Violation. If this happens, the offender may be taken immediately into custody.

A scale of justice and a judge 's gavel are on a wooden table.

Consequences of Probation & Bail Violations in Rhode Island

The consequences of probation or bail violations in Rhode Island can be severe depending on the nature and terms of the probation or bail orders. These consequences include:

Penalties for Probation Violations in Rhode Island

According to Rhode Island General Laws Section 12-19-9, when a person placed on probation violates the terms and conditions of his or her probation, the police or the probation authority shall inform the attorney general. The court may order that the defendant is held without bail for a period of up to ten (10) business days.

A hearing shall be conducted within 30 days of the arrest to determine whether the defendant has violated the probation terms and conditions. At hearing, the State (prosecution / Attorney Generals Office) must prove by a fair preponderance of the evidence that the person breached a condition of their probation OR failed to keep the peace and be of good behavior. If the Court determines that the defendant violated probation by a fair preponderance of the evidence, the court may:

Remove the suspension and impose the previous sentencing.

Impose a new sentence if one has not been previously imposed.

Continue the suspension of a sentence previously imposed.

Convert a probation sentence without incarceration to a suspended sentence.

Penalties for Bail Violations in Rhode Island

In Rhode Island, both the defendant and the person who deposits the money or security for bail can be affected by the bail violation. Possible consequences include:

Revocation of bail

Forcing the defendant to remain in custody pending trial

Forfeiture of the bond

Adding an additional prison sentence and/or fine for committing a criminal offense while on bail

Consequences of Probation & Bail Violations in Massachusetts

The consequences of probation (including Pre-Trial Probation) or bail violations in Massachusetts can also be quite severe depending on the nature of the violation and the terms of the probation or bail order. These consequences include:

Penalties for Bail Violations in Rhode Island

There are different types of probation violations in Massachusetts. These various types include:

Being charged with a new criminal offense while on probation

Failure to abide by probation conditions

Failure to complete court-ordered programs

Failing to appear in court

Failure to pay fees or restitution

The probation department may request a probation violation hearing alleging that you violated the terms and conditions of your probation. At the initial hearing, the probation department may request that the defendant is detained until a full hearing can be held on whether he or she violated the probation terms. At the final hearing, the court may:

Request a warrant for your arrest

Modify or extend terms and conditions to your probation

Take away any compliance credit you've earned

Revoke your probation and sentence you to a house of correction or prison

Impose statutory maximum penalties

Bail Violations in Massachusetts

Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 276 Section 58B, a person who has been released after a bail hearing and who has violated a condition of his release, shall be subject to a revocation of release and an order of detention. Also, a defendant who doesn't appear in court without a satisfactory excuse after release on bail may be punished by up to 1-year imprisonment, a fine of $10,000, or both.

Proudly Serving Providence, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts

Defending your probation or bail violation and new charges by yourself can increase your chances of receiving the maximum punishment. If found to be a violator, you could face steep consequences, including further sentencing, jail time, and fines. Thankfully, a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney on your side can offer you the detailed legal counsel and comprehensive representation you need.

The Savage law is committed to offering reliable legal services and will defend individuals facing bail or probation violation charges (and the new charges), as well as those wrongfully accused of violating the terms or conditions of their probation or bail. Attorney Layne C. Savage will fight aggressively on your side to protect your rights, investigate the details of your case, and attempt to refute the charges against you so that you can continue to move forward with your life.

Experienced Probation & Bail Violation Defense Attorney in Providence, Rhode Island

If you are facing probation or bail violation charges, don't face them alone. Contact the Savage law today to schedule a free one-on-one case evaluation. Attorney Layne C. Savage will offer you the experienced legal guidance, advocacy, and comprehensive representation you need. She proudly represents clients throughout Boston, Massachusetts, Providence, Rhode Island, and the surrounding communities.

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